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Bedroom organization hacks in 5 steps

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Fit For Bed

January 30, 2020

Bedroom organization hacks in 5 steps – We all know the feeling of walking into a bedroom and being confronted with what seems to be completely unmanageable chaos: books piled on cluttered bedside counters, clothing shoved into overflowing cupboard shelves, shoes tumbling out onto the floor, towels, and linen leaning precariously outward from the cupboard top shelf, and random electronics and device chargers tossed onto every available surface. 

You don’t have to be OCD to appreciate some bedroom organization DIY tips. Take it from us: it’s totally possible to turn your bedroom madness into a slumber sanctuary with just five-room organization hacks! 

We’ve got you pegged

Using different kinds of pegs, you can hang just about anything from a wall or door, or the inside of a cupboard: 

  • Hang your shoes on rows of sturdy wooden pegs installed on the inside of your cupboard door.
  • Build a DIY pegboard that you can mount to a wall and hang literally anything that fits – keys, jewelry, scarves, bag, and even framed pictures to turn your functional piece into a feature.
  • Install a few pegs on the back of the bedroom door so that you have a place to hang your handbag when you get home. No more tripping over your Louis Vuitton, and also a great place to hang a few hats and scarves.

Put it on the shelf

Your stuff, that is. Put your stuff on the shelf – shelves that you’re going to create by using wall space with smarts and savvy: 

  • Paint a few old drawers and bolt them to the wall to create a feature of boxy shelves that are great for storage and retro design. 
  • Invisible shelves are all the craze – mount specially designed metal sheets to the wall, just big enough to fit a standard hardback novel, and start stacking! These trendy fixtures will get your books off your bedside, and looking funky on the wall. 
  • Install shelves in the corner – this is how to organize your small bedroom, using the wasted space in bedroom corners. 

Why don’t you sleep on it

Literally – why don’t you sleep on all of it. If you can’t afford a trendy bed with a base that doubles up as storage, you can build one. 

  • Try your hand at carpentry using an online tutorial to build a platform bedroom with drawers beneath it.
  • If that’s too labour-intensive, put office-furniture wheels onto the bottom of sturdy boxes, and simply slide them under your bed. It’s the modern version of shoving things under your bed, and it’s a great place to store winter jerseys in summer.

The most unused space in your bedroom

Believe it or not, you have prime storage space in your bedroom, just 12 inches below the ceiling: 

  • We love the idea of wrap-around bookshelves installed just below the ceiling – a great place to tuck away old novels and collectibles, while still looking retro-chic.
  • Install a box-shelf in that arbitrary empty space above your door – it’s a great spot to roll spare up towels and linen, instead of having your sheets falling on top of you every time you open your cupboard.

You can hang literally anything

If floor space is a challenge for you when you’re considering how to organize a room with too much stuff, consider the oodles of real estate that exist all around you in the air. We’re absolutely in love with the practical and design perks of hanging items to save space is a definite organization hack: 

  • You can use hanging fruit baskets or hanging pot plant baskets to store socks and scarves, hats or chargers and cables. 
  • Hanging shelves, installed carefully and well-balanced, make for stunning wall features and great storage.
  • If you’re blessed with higher ceilings, give your room the wow factor by suspending your bicycle from the ceiling, or any object that you need out the way when not in use.

Bedroom organization hacks in 5 steps

How to organize my room & keep it clean

As you can see, you don’t need to spend a fortune on bedroom organization DIY – you just need a few simple resources and some original ideas that help you use the space that you have the best way possible. Most of all, have fun and enjoy the functional results of an organized bedroom!

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