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Fit For Bed

Choosing a mattress for allergy sufferers

Choosing a mattress for allergy sufferers

In the quiet pursuit of a good night's rest, many people find themselves plagued by unwelcome nighttime allergies. From sneezing fits to itchy and watery eyes, like they’re at a sad movie marathon, these discomforts can disrupt sleep and leave one feeling groggy and...

Can a Mattress Cause Headaches?

Can a Mattress Cause Headaches?

Before even opening your eyes, a relentless, dull pounding in your head signals the start of the day. Instead of the anticipated freshness of waking up from a rejuvenating night’s sleep, you're greeted by the unwelcome companion of a headache. A variety of thoughts...

Is my bed causing lower back pain?

Is my bed causing lower back pain?

Tossing and turning through the night, waking up with a lower back stiff as a board… sound familiar? If you're nodding along, you may want to consider your daily lifestyle and night-time routine, and ask yourself the question, “Is my bed causing lower back pain?” The...