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What Makes the Harris Hotel Beds the Best?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Fit For Bed

February 11, 2021

Thanks to public demand for the overwhelmingly successful Harris Hotel hospitality beds, you can now enjoy 5-star hotel luxury in the comfort of your own home. Harris Hotel is proud to be endorsed by both the National Accommodation Association of South Africa (NAA) and the Kwa-Zulu-Natal Bed and Breakfast Association (KWABABA). Each unique bed in our range creates a customized sleeping experience for every user.

The secret behind the luxurious and supportive comfort of the Harris Hotel beds lies in the unique combination of spring support systems and materials used. Whether you have chronic back trouble, are a heavier set sleeper or light as a feather, there is a bed in the Harris Hotel range for you.

The Harris Hotel Secret:

Spring Systems: The Harris Hotel beds make use of three different spring systems, namely the Maxi-B Spring System, Linear Pocket System and Nested Pocket System. Each of which contributes a unique support element to each mattress.

  • The Maxi-B Spring System consists of double-tempered, interconnected, hour-glass shaped coils. This network of robust springs creates a firm and supportive sleep surface while increasing durability.
  • The Linear Pocket Spring System consists of individually wrapped coils. Pocket spring systems allow each spring to react independently of its neighbor, preventing movement transfer between sleeping partners. They are also the only spring system that contours to the body shape while offering comfort and support that promotes relaxation and blood circulation.
  • The Nested Pocket Spring System uses a firmer spring and has 30 percent more springs nestled into the spring network. Nested Pocket Springs contour to the body shape as well, offering both comfort and firm support.

Fillings and Materials: A filling is used between springs and layered above the springs adding to the comfort of each mattress. Harris Hotel only uses three high-quality filling systems (virgin foam, memory foam and latex), coupled with European imported fabrics.

  • The highest density, synthetic virgin foam available on the market is used in our mattresses, adding plush cushioning.
  • Our Memory Foam beds use soft but supportive memory foam. Well-known for its ability to contour to the body and adjust to each movement when sleeping. It also reduces the pressure placed on the hips and shoulders.
  • You will not find a comfort system superior to our Belgian imported high-density Latex range. Natural Latexis a useful eco-alternative to traditional mattress fillers and is more responsive, offering greater resilience and strength. Latex also contours to the body shape. Being natural, Latex has anti-bacterial and dust mite repellant properties, adding to the overall life span of the mattress.

Harris Hotel covers each mattress in high-quality fabrics. Some of our mattresses use the finest cotton. While others, like the Harris Hotel Heavy Duty bed, use breathable bamboo. Bamboo keeps you warm in winter and cooler in summer. We treat our mattresses with Aloe-Vera as well. Aloe-Vera is known for its anti-microbial and mite repellant properties, which adds to the lifespan and hygiene of each mattress.

The Right Combination for You:

Choosing the right bed will determine what features you need for your body type and sleeping habits. Consider the position you sleep in, where your aches and pains are and what kind of support is your body needs. Let us take a closer look at the different combinations and for who they are best suited.

Maxi-B Spring System: Strong and firm, creating a firm and full body supporting mattress.

The interconnected Maxi-B spring system provides a firm network of support across the entire mattress. This spring system is also more durable and affordable than the alternatives. Beds within the Harris Hotel Bed range that make use of the Maxi-B Spring System are:

  • Harris Hotel Pillow Top – Light set sleepers seeking plush comfort with firm support.
    Springs: 6-turn springs create additional support.
    Comfort: High-density virgin foam with an added ‘pillow top’ layer of virgin foam for added plush comfort.
  • Harris Hotel Comfort Top – Gentle but firm support.
    Springs: High spring count.
    Comfort: High- density virgin foam.
  • Harris Hotel Euro Top – Gentle and firm support seekers who want added comfort.
    Springs: Double tempered, 6-turn springs
    Comfort: High-density virgin foam. An additional layer of foam on top of the springs for added comfort.
  • Harris Hotel Heavy Duty – Heavyset sleepers needing firm support and durability.
    Springs: Highest gauge wire is used to create a heavy-duty system with 6-turn springs for increased durability and support. It also includes posture bars in the middle third of the bed for added support to the waist area.
    Comfort: High-density latex. Latex is exceptionally durable to avoid collapsing.

Linear and Nested Pocket Spring Systems: Firm, individually wrapped springs, allowing each to react independently to its neighbours.

Individually wrapped springs allow for optimal contouring to the body shape. Individual springs take their share of weight and react independently to movement. Thus, limiting movement transfer between sleeping partners. Beds within the Harris Hotel Bed range that make use of the pocket spring system are:

  • Harris Hotel Orthopedic BackZone – Sleepers with back concerns, needing gentle but firm support.
    Springs: Chiropractic Pocket spring design
    Comfort: High-density virgin foam, including reinforcement in the middle third of the mattress as outlined by the renowned Institute of Ergonomics in Munich. Offering additional support to the waist area while individual pocket springs contour to rest of the body shape.
  • Harris Hotel Latex Care – Any weight sleeper looking for body contouring support with added comfort.
    Springs: Nestled Pocket Spring System
    Comfort: High-density Natural Latex, reinforced in the middle third area for additional waist area support.
  • Harris Hotel Visco Care – Light set sleepers looking for body contouring comfort and lower back support.
    Springs: Linear Pocket Springs which offer lumbar support and promote spine alignment.
    Comfort: Soft and plush memory foam. Memory foam contours to your body shape, limits movement transfer and allows for even weight distribution. It offers effective support to the body and relieves pressure point pain.
  • Harris Hotel Spine Controller Latex – Sleepers looking for spine support and relief from pressure on hips and shoulders.
    Springs: Nested Pocket Spring system.
    Comfort: Belgian imported Natural Latex which relieves pressure points while supporting the natural curve of the lower back. Ergonomically designed to include various ‘zoned density’ to ensure even and balanced support as set out by the renowned Institute of Ergonomics in Munich.
  • Harris Hotel Ultimate Latex 2000 – Discerning sleepers looking for the ultimate, luxurious sleeping solution.
    Springs: Base layer consists of Nested Pocket Springs that contour to your body shape. High-density natural latex is laid over the springs before finishing off with an additional layer of micro-pockets, creating a more targeted contouring and comfort system.
    Comfort: High-quality, high-density memory foam.

The ultimate combination of chiropractic inspired designs, innovative, imported materials, and modern spring support systems. And there you have it, the secret to the Harris Hotel Bed. Visit our website or one of our showrooms to choose the perfect Harris Hotel bed fit for you.

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